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If you can afford it, a private tour of the Louvre Museum is the best way to explore the world’s best art collection.

Private tours of the Museum can offer a more personalized and intimate experience for visitors who want to delve deeper into the museum’s collection and history.

These tours are typically led by an expert guide who can provide insights and context for the works on display, answer questions, and provide additional information.

But before we explain the private guided tours of the art gallery any further, let’s first look at all the different ways you can experience the 巴黎盧浮宮博物館.


大多數人預訂 自助遊 因為三個原因:

  1. It is the cheapest way to experience the Museum
  2. They prefer to explore the attraction at their own pace
  3. They want to see whatever fancies them and not be stuck in a group

Those who appreciate art better 預訂導遊,通常是因為:

  1. They want a local expert to guide them through the attraction
  2. 他們不想錯過任何杰作
  3. 他們想從藝術專家那裡聽到關於展品的歷史和藝術評論 

We always recommend a guided tour of art museums such as The Louvre. 

It would be even better if you could book a private guided tour and have the art guide to yourself.


Top Tickets for Private Tours of Louvre Museum

# 白天私人導遊

# 夜間私人盧浮宮之旅

# 私人盧浮宮醜聞之旅


You have three options once you have decided to book a guided tour of the Louvre.



一名導遊帶領大約 20-25 人的團隊。 小組中的每個人都有一個耳機,這樣他們就可以聽到導遊的評論。

The cost of a regular guided tour for visitors 18 years and above is €100; visitors aged 10 to 17 pay a discounted price of €90, and children aged three to nine pay €70.


This tour, also known as a Small Group guided tour, usually has six participants. Since the group is small, they can huddle close to the guide and hear his or her every word.

The cost of a semi-private guided tour for all visitors 18 years and above is €105.


A private guided tour is the best way to experience the Museum. It can accommodate six people from your family or group, and the guide can customize the experience.

The private guided tour costs €360 per group of six members.


Why book a private tour?

圖片: 巴黎時裝週


  1. The skip-the-line feature of private tours helps you skip long entry lines, saving time and energy.
  2. With someone who knows their way around the museum taking the lead, you also dodge the crowds inside the galleries.
  3. You hear commentary from an art expert and better understand the historical and artistic significance of the masterpieces.
  4. You can get your questions answered to your satisfaction by the art expert.
  5. Thanks to a local art historian’s guidance, you can have a more structured experience at the massive art museum.
  6. Private guides take the age of the group members (and their preferences) and customize the tour accordingly.
  7. A private guided tour means you have ultimate control over your experience. You decide what to see, where to pause, when to stop, etc. 

重要事項: 當您參觀盧浮宮進行私人旅遊時,請攜帶您的護照或身份證。 由於您會走很多路,因此穿舒適的鞋子很有意義。 博物館內不允許攜帶寵物和大包(超過 55x35x20 厘米的物品)。



Private guided tours are usually priced for groups of five or six visitors. 

If you prefer to book a private guided tour, which includes 盧浮宮門票和藝術指南的兩小時時間,您必須每人支付約 225 歐元。 

夜間私人旅遊 每人 275 歐元,最多 XNUMX 位客人。

Private guided tours make a lot of sense if you are a family of four or more. 

但如果你是三歲或以下,我們建議 半私人旅遊,所有遊客需花費 106 歐元。

視覺故事: 參觀盧浮宮博物館前必須知道的 16 個小貼士



圖片: Myprivateparis.com

Private guided tours of the Museum come in many shapes and sizes. 

在本節中,我們分享了一些最受歡迎的旅行 - 


This private tour is an excellent opportunity to see the Museum when it’s less frequented and enjoy fantastic evening lighting in the Pyramid and the Galleries. 

遊客只能在周五預訂這個夜遊,因為這幾天藝術博物館開放至晚上 9.45。

This VIP Experience starts at 6.30 pm and lasts 3 hours. 

旅遊價格(18歲以上): 每人€275

推薦: 點擊鏈接以了解有關的所有信息 晚上參觀盧浮宮博物館.

If you don’t want the hassle of booking the entry tickets and the expert art guide separately, you can either book this 2小時 或本 3-hour extended tour. 兩者都包括盧浮宮門票。 

Private Louvre Scandals tour

This is a private guided tour of the attraction, but with a twist – the guide takes you on the trail of hidden scandals and controversies behind the world’s most famous works of art. 




兩位嘉賓: 540 歐元(每人 270 歐元)
三位嘉賓: 597 歐元(每人 199 歐元)
四位嘉賓: 796 歐元(每人 199 歐元)
五位嘉賓: 995 歐元(每人 199 歐元)
六位嘉賓: 1194 歐元(每人 199 歐元)

推薦: 盧浮宮博物館的蒙娜麗莎 是世界上最受歡迎和最有爭議的畫作。



Some families tend to opt for private tours that are customized for children. 



The guides hosting such tours are experts in handling adults and kids and creating an informative and playful itinerary.

圖片: Paristourswithkids.com


XNUMX 歲及以下的兒童可以免費參加這些旅行,但要讓他們參與其中可能具有挑戰性。 




This 2-hour tour starts with the Mona Lisa, and then you cover the other highlights of the attraction.

旅遊價格: 最多 520 名成員 5 歐元


This is a 2-hour private tour where, besides exploring the masterpieces, your expert guide also makes your kids play fun games.

On this tour, which is exclusively curated for kids, the family members must use their dedication and creativity to answer questions about the museum’s exhibits. 


旅遊價格: 每人 409 歐元起

如果您的家人對盧浮宮內的尋寶活動感興趣, 看看這個旅遊.



During this 5.5-hour private tour, an art expert will take you around two of the most celebrated museums in Paris: the Louvre and 奧賽博物館

You discover 3000 years of history just by crossing the bridge between the Musée d’Orsay and the Louvre Museum.


旅遊價格: 最多 2016 位客人 12 歐元(每人 168 歐元)

如果你想要更便宜的東西,看看這個 兩個博物館的半私人遊覽

如果您不確定要參觀哪個巴黎藝術畫廊,請查看我們對 盧浮宮或奧賽博物館.


Family Twist, a Paris-based travel company specializing in luxury trips to Europe, offers what one can call the ‘absolute’ private tour of the Louvre.

If you are willing to pay €30,000 (about $34,000), up to four people (your family or friends) can experience the attraction all alone. 

您的團隊將是整個博物館中唯一的遊客,時間約為 90 分鐘。 瞭解更多.



如果上面分享的私人和半私人導覽費用太貴,您可以預訂 regular guided tour.


If a regular guided tour is also out of the question, you can check out the free guided tours.

這些免費旅遊在夏季高峰期提供 - 從 XNUMX 月的第一周到 XNUMX 月的第三週。

Since these tours last 20 minutes, they are known as the ‘Summer mini tours.’

Eight tours are available, each hosted by the museum’s official guide, who is also happy to answer all your questions.


  1. 盧浮宮的起源
  2. 古埃及
  3. 意大利大師
  4. 大型法國繪畫
  5. 宮殿庭院
  6. 拿破崙
  7. 盧浮宮的珍寶
  8. 伊斯蘭藝術導論


早上: 上午 10 點,上午 10.30,上午 11 點,上午 11.30

下午: 下午 2、晚上 2.30 點、晚上 3 點、晚上 3.30 點

You don’t need to register in advance to join these free tours. Instead, buy the 盧浮宮門票 並在遊覽開始時在博物館。 



然後,您可以背靠背參加他們,從上午 10 點(或下午 2 點)的第一個開始。 

一次遊覽結束後,您將有 10 分鐘的時間到達下一次遊覽的地點——因此在規劃時請牢記博物館的佈局。

-  從埃菲爾鐵塔到盧浮宮
-  從盧浮宮到埃菲爾鐵塔

1. 盧浮宮博物館資料
2. 盧浮宮玻璃金字塔
3. 盧浮宮雕像說話很有趣


埃菲爾鐵塔 盧浮宮
凡爾賽宮 巴黎迪斯尼樂園
奧賽博物館 萬神殿(Pantheon)
蓬皮杜藝術中心 凱旋門
聖禮拜堂 巴黎圣母院
塞納河遊船 巴黎動物園
巴黎地下墓穴 卡尼爾歌劇院
畢加索博物館 蒙帕納斯大廈
沉浸式大皇宮 Aquaboulevard
地方法院 格雷萬蠟像館
進化大畫廊 楓丹白露城堡
魁北克博物館 海洋酒店
尚蒂伊城堡 商業交易所
圖瓦里動物園野生動物園 路易威登基金會
榮軍院 適應環境
Jacquemart-André博物館 植物園動物園
橘園博物館 馬莫坦莫奈博物館
拉雪茲神父公墓 Asterix Park
拉丁天堂 巴黎水族館
大理巴黎 巴黎瘋馬
羅丹博物館 巧克力博物館
海洋生物水族館 班克斯世界博覽會



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